Head Mount-Taxidermy African Nilgai.
Condition; Good (used) Dimensions; L 33″/ W 18″/ H 44″ Weight; 36 lbs. Item weight/dimensions do not include box/crate.
The nilgai or blue bull (/ˈnɪlˌɡaɪ/; literally meaning “blue cow”; Boselaphus tragocamelus) is the largest Asian antelope and is endemic to the Indian subcontinent. The sole member of the genus Boselaphus. A sturdy thin-legged antelope, the nilgai is characterised by a sloping back, a deep neck with a white patch on the throat, a short crest of hair along the neck terminating in a tuft, and white facial spots. A column of pendant coarse hair hangs from the dewlap ridge below the white patch.
All items rent/sell as (as is) condition.